Here are all of the leaked rewards for the Fortnite Season X Overtime Challenges including different variants/styles for the Battle Pass Skins and Back Blings.
Overtime Challenges were first introduced to Fortnite Battle Royale in Season 7 as the season was extended for two weeks and have been added in every season since and data-miners have confirmed that there will be new Overtime Challenges for Season X/10 as well.
The Overtime Challenges themselves have not been leaked and will not be leaked until the v10.40 update has officially been released later this week, but the rewards for completing the challenges have been leaked by data-miners @ShiinaBR, @FunGamesLeaks & @MaxWinebach.
Fortnite Season X/10 Overtime Challenge Rewards
As with the previous Fortnite Overtime Challenges, some of the rewards are Skin Styles for Skins you earn by progressing through the Season 10 Battle Pass. To see all of the Season 10 Battle Pass rewards, click here.
Here are all the skin styles for completing the Overtime Challenges:
The Yond3r Skin is unlocked at Tier 47 and here is the style you will unlock by completing the Overtime Challenges:
The Sparkle Supreme Skin is unlocked at Tier 70 and there is the style you will unlock once you have from the Season 10 Overtime Challenges:
The Eternal Voyager Skin is unlocked at Tier 87 and you will unlock this style by completing the Overtime Challenges for Season X:
Here is the Gameplan Back Bling styles that were leaked yesterday. The Back Bling is unlocked by completing seven objectives from the Storm Racers Mission: