Fortnite Week 4 is upon us, and with it comes new challenges to complete. As usual, this weeks challenges has 3 free challenges and 4 Battle Pass challenges. Thanks to The Squating Dog, we have a cheat sheet to help you complete all of the week 4 challenges much quicker, as well as the Hunting Party Challenge #4 hidden banner location.
The cheat sheet for Season 6, week 4 can be found below.
Here are all of the Season 6, Week 4 challenges:
- Use a Port-a-Fort or Port-a-Fortress in different matches (5)
- Search an Ammo Box in different Named Locations (7)
- Ring the doorbell of a house with an opponent inside in different matches (3)(HARD)
- Land at Greasy Grove (1)
- Dance on top of a Clock Tower (1)
- Get a score of 3 or more at different Shooting Galleries (HARD)(5)
- Eliminate opponents near any of the Corrupted Areas (HARD)(3)
The cheat sheet map highlights all of the shooting gallery locations, a challenge which requires you to get a score of 3 or more at 5 different locations. The cheat sheet also highlights the Clock tower, the corrupted areas of the map and the houses that have a door bell on them which you need to ring when an opponent is inside in 3 different matches.