The Fortnite Celebrity Pro-Am Tournament was the first event Epic Games has held for Fortnite and was very intense. This event is all for charity, with a prize pool of $3 million. The breakdown of the prize pool can be seen below:
There were two warm-up rounds for the 100 participants before playing the Tournament match.
Observer Mode
As this was the first official tournament by Epic, it was first time Epic shows the observer mode. Here is what the observation mode looks like:
Solo Warm-up Match
This was the first game played where all players were playing solo to warm-up. Nadeshot, Kinstaar and Noah battled it out at the end, but it was Noah that got the Victory Royale!
Duo Warm-up Match
This was the first time celebrity and streamer duos played together for the day in a warm-up match. The final duos were Kinstaar & Sean O and Ninja & Marshmello. Marmello had been eliminated, but Ninja managed to knock Sean O, leaving Kinstaar and Ninja to battle it out. It was a very intensive 1v1, but Kinstaar managed to get the win.
Charity Match
Such an intense match! CourageJD and Kitty Plays were left solo against Ninja & Marshmello. Ninja & Marshmello were in the best position as they had the higher ground. Courage managed to take out Kitty but with only 7hp, Ninja & Marshmello took the win!