Here is the best place to land in order to collect 75 of each material within 60 seconds after landing from the Fortnite Battle Bus for the Week 7 Skye Challenge.
The weekly challenges that are being released in Fortnite this season are quite easy and self explanatory so guides aren’t really necessary for most of them. However there are some challenges that do require you to land at certain places which you may not be familiar with if you haven’t explored all of the map and some challenges can be quicker to complete than you think.
One of the challenges for Week 7 of Skye’s Adventure requires you to collect 75 of each material within 60 seconds after landing from the Battle Bus. This challenge does not require you to gather all materials in one match, but there is an easy way to do just that. This article will show you where you land to complete the challenge quickly and easily in one match.
Fortnite Challenge – Collect 75 of each material within 60 seconds after landing from the Battle Bus
There are three different materials you can get in Fortnite, Wood, Stone and Metal. In order to complete this challenge, you will need to collect 75 of each material within 60 seconds after landing from the Battle Bus and even though you do not need to do them all in one match, it is extremely easy to do so, if you know where to land.
Logjam Woodworks is a good place to land to complete this challenge. This Landmark is located southeast of Holly Hedges, southwest of Weeping Woods and has been marked on the map below:
The exact location you want to land at is east of the Landmark, by the truck and pallets, as seen below:
Quickest way to collect 75 of Wood
As soon as you land, you want to start hitting the wooden pallets on the truck with your pickaxe and you should get 75 wood in no time. As soon as you have got 75 wood, turn your attention to the truck.
Quickest way to collect 75 of Metal
You want to move onto hitting the truck with your pickaxe as soon as you have finished getting your wood. The truck will give you about 37 metal so you want to quickly go to the pink car that is located close to the truck on the left and you will get all of the metal you need for this challenge.
Quickest way to collect 75 of Stone/Brick
Then move to the stone wall that you can see behind the car. You want to start hitting these walls to get your stone. Each wall will get you about 20 stone, so you need to get at least 4 walls.
If you move quickly, you should be able to get all of the materials needed in about 40 seconds, well under the 60 seconds that you are restricted to for this challenge.