Epic released v6.30 for Fortnite Battle Royale today and the challenges for Season 6, Week 8 have been updated. Throughout the season, Epic have put placeholder challenges for each week, with this seasons week 8 being identical to last seasons week 8 challenges. Epic have been doing updates each week this season which have brought new skins and other cosmetics, allowing them to hide the challenges until a day or two before they release. Here are the challenges for Season 6, Week 8:
Free Challenges
- Stage 1: Visit Lonely Lodge and Retail Row in a single match (2)
- Dance with a fish trophy at different Named Locations (7)
- Six Shooter or Heavy Assault Rifle Eliminations (2)(HARD)
Battle Pass Challenges
- Get a score of 3 on different Clay Pigeon Shooters (3)
- Get Trick Points in a vehicle (250,000)
- Visit different Named Locations in a single match (4)(HARD)
- Stage 1: Use Grappling Hook (1)(HARD)
As we’ve come to expect, most of the challenges are pretty straightforward and easy to complete and there is only one new type of challenge we haven’t seen before, which is the “Dance with a fish trophy at different Named Locations” challenge.
- Read More: All Leaked Cosmetics found in v6.30
- Read More: TNT Bundle explosives found in files
The “Get Trick points in a vehicle” is an old challenge reworded. In the past, these types of challenges have been for a specific vehicle such as the Shopping Carts or ATKs. However, the challenge this time around will allow you to get the trick points with any of the vehicles around the map.
Completing all of the week 8 challenges will grant you 8,000 Season XP. We’ll have guides for some of the challenges tomorrow, as well as a cheat sheet, to help you complete all of the challenges quicker. Be on the look out for them when the challenges unlock tomorrow.