Here is the Taylordle answer today as well as some hints for the #94 word, released on May 2, 2022.
UPDATE: Click here for the hints and the answer to Taylordle 95!
Taylordle is a fantastic game for Taylor Swift (Swifties) and Wordle fans, as it combines both of their interests into one. The goal of the game is to guess the Taylor Swift-related word of the day, and it works similarly to Wordle in that you have six guesses to solve the word with no initial clues.
There were originally only five-letter words for Taylordle at launch, but that has changed to include 4 to 8 letter words to keep the game going. This game has been made by the Holy Swift Podcast, which is a song-by-song Taylor Swift Podcast available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.
Once you have made a guess, the tiles will change colour, which lets you know if you have guessed a letter that appears in the answer and if you have placed it in the correct position. The colours are also the same as Wordle, except they are a lot brighter and they mean the same, i.e. if the tile is grey, it means the letter doesn’t appear in the word, yellow means it’s in the wrong position and green means you have placed it correctly.
Taylordle Hints Today – May 2nd, 2022 (05/02/2022)
As the word can be difficult at times, we have some hints for the Taylordle 94 word to help you to solve it, which are:
Hint 1: Contains the letter B.
Hint 2: There are two vowels in the word.
Hint 3: It is a song recorded by American country music duo Sugarland which featured Taylor on the track.
What is the Taylordle 94 Answer Today? (May 2nd, 2022)
The answer to Taylordle 94 is…
FUN FACT: At the age of 2, a computer repairman taught Taylor how to play three chords on the guitar, which inspired her to learn to play the guitar and start songwriting. Her first song was called ‘Lucky You‘.
Well done if you managed to guess the answer to the Taylordle puzzle today! Click here for the hints and the answer to Taylordle 95!