Here are two new wrap concepts that could be added to Fortnite.
Wraps were first added in the Season 7 Battle Pass and there have been quite a few wraps that have also been available to purchase in the Fortnite Item shop. The wraps can be used on weapons and vehicles and you can select which wrap you want on each type of weapon as well.
Since the addition of wraps, the Fortnite community have been coming up with new wrap concepts they think should be added to the game.
Reddit user ThatMysteryGuy_uk has thought of an animated wrap that could be added. He has suggested that the wrap could also be reactive and change color once the player gets more kills. He has called the wrap ‘Stardust’ and there are four different colors the wrap can change into, green, blue, red and purple. You can see the concept below:
Reddit user M-C_Skittles has thought of a Tin Foil concept, which can be seen below.
As this is not an animated wrap, it would probably be an Uncommon wrap and sold for 300 V-Bucks if it was added.
What do you think of these wrap concepts and which one would you buy?