One of the Fortnite Season 7, Week 4 challenges requires players to destroy wooden utility poles, chairs, and Wooden pallets. Here are the locations.
There’s less than thirteen hours before Fortnite Season 7 ends and Season 8 begins. One of the week 4 stage challenges requires players to destroy wooden utility poles, chairs and wooden pallets, and here are the locations on where to find them.
Wooden Utility Poles Location
The challenge requires players to destroy wooden utility poles around the Fortnite map. There are metal utility poles dotted around the map, but only wooden utility poles will count. Here are where you’ll find utility poles:
Chairs Location
The best place to complete the stage challenge of destroying 80 chairs would be the main house at Lazy Links, which contains dozens of chairs, or any major area including the main, large grey building in Tilted Towers, Pleasant Park, Salty Springs or Paradise Palms.
Wooden Pallets Location
Wooden pallets are quite common to find around the map. The best place to drop to find and destroy wooden pallets would be Junk Junction, the ship yard north of Retail Row, Titled Towers and the junkyard south of Paradise Palms.