Here’s how to complete the ride the Steamy Stacks, a zipline, and use a secret passage in a single match for the week 6 Meowscles Fortnite challenge.
The Fortnite week 6 challenges will be available soon. However, thanks to data-miners, we know what all of the challenges are ahead of time.
One of the challenges requires players to ride the Steamy Stacks, a zipline, and use a secret passage in a single match. Here’s the locations to help complete this challenge as quickly as possible.
Ride the Steamy Stacks, a zipline, and use a secret passage in a single match Fortnite
In order to complete this challenge quickly, drop south of Steamy Stacks. You’ll find a blue metal tower that has a zipline leading to Steamy Stacks. Simply ride the zipline to complete one third of the challenge.
You’ll then want to ride the Steamy Stacks. In order to do this, you need to head to any of the two large cylinders shown in the image above on the right hand side. You then simply need to walk over the purple steamy water in order to ride the Steamy Stacks. The steam will help you fly to the next location, a secret passage.
From here, you’ll want to fly straight up by riding the Steamy Stacks to get to the closest secret passage. The closest one to Steamy Stacks is north west past the water. We’ve marked the location on the map below. You’ll easily be able to fly here when riding the Steamy Stacks.
The secret passage is a porta potty that’s located close to a bus stop. The porta potty is located by a large boulder next to a fence. There are times where it can take a few minutes for the porta potty to show up but here’s what it looks like:
Remember, you need to complete all of this in a single match or else the challenge won’t be completed. It shouldn’t take you more than a couple of minutes to complete. Good luck!