Need to know the locations of the ghost or shadow recruitment posters in order to deface them for the Deadpool challenge? Look no further.
We’re getting closer to finally unlocking the Fortnite Deadpool skin. The week 6 challenges will go live at 2pm UTC with just one week left until the skin will be available to unlock. Players will need to complete all the Deadpool challenges up to week 6 in order to see the week 7 challenges.
Once the week 7 challenges are unlocked next week, players can complete them and earn the skin. The Deadpool skin will have an additional challenge, although it’s not known what the reward will be for completing it.
This weeks reward is the Merc wrap that can be seen below:
The second of today’s week 6 challenges requires players to deface ghost or shadow recruitment posters. These recruitment posters were added in the v12.20 update. Here’s the locations of where you can find Ghost and Shadow Fortnite recruitment posters.
Deface Ghost or Shadow Recruitment Posters Fortnite
How to deface recruitment posters in Fortnite
In order to deface the ghost or shadow recruitment posters in Fortnite, you’ll have to go up to the posters and interact with them instead of getting a spray can and spraying them. Once you’ve defaced a poster, you’ll see deadpool on the poster as seen below:
We’ve included a map for the locations of recruitment posters we’ve found thus far at the bottom of the post, but it could be hard to locate exactly where they are, so we’ll go over some locations quickly.
North of Frenzy Farm you’ll find a seperate barn. There’s a shadow poster on the red barn on the south east corner as shown below on the map. There’s in or around Frenzy Farm which will help complete this challenge quickly.
There’s also a ghost recruitment poster at the main house at Frenzy Farm. It’s located on the south east side of the house near the corner. It’s on a brick wall by a car:
Head south from the location above and on a small red barn with a tracker inside, you’ll find a shadow poster on the west side:
A tip to finding these shadow or ghost recruitment posters is if a named location has a gas station, they’ll either have a poster inside the gas station or outside on the wall. Nearly all posters are on the outside of buildings on the wall.
Here’s a map location with all the recruitment posters we’ve found. We’ve tried making the marks on the map as small as possible whilst still giving you a good idea of where the poster is located: