Here is where you will find the location of the cube memorial by a lake, for the Fortnite Season X, Week 3 Worlds Collide Mission.
Epic have removed Weekly Challenges from Fortnite Battle Royale and replaced them with Missions for Season X. The Missions are similar to the Weekly Challenges as a new one is still released every Thursday, but there are normal objectives and prestige objectives to complete for the Missions.
One of the objectives for the Worlds Collide Mission is to visit a memorial to a cube in the desert or by a lake. This article will show the location of the memorial by a lake.
The memorial was added in the v10.10 Fortnite update and the memorial by a lake can of course be found at Loot Lake. Here is what the memorial looks like in-game:
The memorial can be found on the little patch of land southwest of the orb at Loot Lake. We have circled the exact location on the mini map below if you need a closer look:
You simply need to visit this location in order to complete the challenge. The normal objective for the Worlds Collide Mission requires you to either visit the memorial in the desert or by a lake, so visiting this location will complete the normal objective.
The prestige objective will also require you to visit the memorial of a cube in the desert and you can see the location of this memorial by clicking here.