A new mystery country is available to guess for the Globle April 5th, 2022 release. Here are our hints and answer.
Globle is one of few Geography-based daily games that are currently available. The two most popular games right now are Worldle and Globle, both of which have trended on Twitter in the past few weeks.
For those of you that are new to Globle, the premise is simple; guess the mystery country in the least amount of guesses. Games like Wordle and Quordle have a set number of attempts you need to conquer the game, but Globle doesn’t.
Players can guess a country by typing it into the input box. It’ll appear on the globe that takes centre stage in the game. The country you guessed will highlight on the globe in four different colours.
The closer you are to the mystery country, the hotter the colour will be. This is an important aspect of the game since it permits the game to present players with an infinite number of responses. Without this feature, it would take significantly longer for players to predict the country of the day.
If Japan is the mystery country for the day, here are what the following countries will look like:
We’ve been covering Globle with our own hints for players struggling along with the answer. Here’s everything you need to conquer the April 5th, 2022 mystery country.
Globle World Game Mystery Country Hints
Although unlimited guesses are great it can still be difficult to guess the mystery country at times. As a result, we offer our own hints, which you can find for the April 5th mystery country below:
- Hint 1: Begins with a T
- Hint 2: Country is one word
- Hint 3: A total of twelve letters
- Hint 3: The country is in Central Asia.
- Hint 4: Capital is Ashgabat
Globle April 5th, 2022 Country Answer Today
If you’re still struggling or just want to know the answer to the Globle released on April 5th, the answer is Turkmenistan!