Now that Geralt of Rivia has been confirmed as a Fortnite skin, here’s how you’ll be able to unlock it along with a release date.
A couple of months ago, nobody would believe you if you said season four would be the final season of Chapter Three. However, confirmation of the rumor that chapter 4 would be released this year was confirmed over two weeks ago.
Epic Games tweeted a promotional image for the chapter 3 finale fracture live event. The event concluded with the map being destroyed and a new one being formed in the cinematic trailer.
The trailer also teased some of the skins that would be in the Fortnite chapter 4 season 1 Battle Pass as well as outfits that would be released later in the item shop including The Hulk.
One of the skins that caught everyone’s attention is the Geralt of Rivia The Witcher outfit. It’s in the Battle Pass this season but players are now wondering how you unlock Geralt of Rivia in Fortnite.
Here’s everything we know about The Witcher skin so far including how to unlock it and the release date.
How to Get / Unlock Geralt of Rivia Skin in Fortnite
In order to get the Geralt of Rivia “The Witcher” skin in Fortnite, players will need to wait until the quest’s release in order to get the outfit.
Geralt of Rivia will then be available to get along with a number of other cosmetics that will be available in the set including a back bling, loading screen, note, and more.
Like all the previous not-so-secret Battle Pass skins we’ve seen, players will need to complete fairly simple quests to unlock the skin. However, we won’t know the quests that need to be completed until next year.
Geralt of Rivia “The Witcher” Fortnite Release Date
Unfortunately, players are going to have to wait for some time before they can unlock The Witcher in Fortnite. The release date for Geralt of Rivia is penciled in for February 7th, 2023, along with the rest of the cosmetic rewards.
Its likely players will need to complete three quests to unlock the skin and then further quests to unlock the other cosmetics including the emote, spray, and more.
Here’s the rundown of all the cosmetics that’ll be in the Geralt of Rivia Fortnite set:
- Geralt of Rivia – Outfit
- Witcher’s Steel Sword – Harvesting Tool
- Weapons of The Witcher – Back Bling
- Geralt of Rivia – Loading Screen
- Igni Sign – Emote
- Muscle Memory – Spray