The Fortnite Season 7, Week 7 challenges will go live tomorrow at 2pm GMT, but the challenges have been leaked ahead of time.
There are seven new challenges that are available to complete every week in Fortnite Battle Royale. The Season 7, Week 7 Fortnite Challenges have been leaked ahead of time thanks to FortniteGameLAT on Twitter. Here are what the challenges will be for week 7:
- Stage 1: Deal damage to opponents in a single match (200)
- Stage 2: Deal damage to opponents in a single match (300)
- Final Stage: Deal damage to opponents in a single match (400)
- Destroy flying X-4 Stormwings (?)
- Pistol eliminations (3)
- Search Chests in Leaky Lake or Frosty Flights (7)
- Stage 1: Land at Salty Springs
- Stage 2: Land at Happy Hamlet
- Stage 3: Land at Wailing Woods
- Stage 4: Land at Junk Junction
- Final Stage: Land at Paradise Palms
- Use a Rift or Rift-to-Go in different matches (3)
- Visit all Expedition Outposts
Upon completing four of seven challenges, players will be rewarded with 7,000 Season XP. Completing all the week 7 challenges will reward players with the week 7 Snowfall loading screen which provides the location for the free Battle Star.
There are two stage challenges to complete in the week 7 challenges, dealing damage to opponents and landing at different locations on the map. These challenges are self explanatory and will be easy to complete.
The only new challenge is to destroy X-4 Stormwing planes. There’s been a similar challenge to visiting all Expedition outposts in a previous week, and we’ll post a map with all the outpost locations.
As with all leaks, they are not confirmed and we’ll only know the official challenge upon release tomorrow. It’s possible a couple of the challenges seen above will change, but we’ll have a post with the official challenges as soon as they’re released. Be sure to turn on website notifications or follow us on Twitter @Fortnite_BR.