The Slurp Juice was an item that received a moderate buff in the V5.1 update that was implemented today. Previously, the Slurp Juice would give players 25 health and 25 shield points. Now the Slurp Juice gives 75 points and it prioritizes health first and then increases the shield points. This was suggested by some members of the Fortnite community, as they felt as though the Slurp would go to waste when they had maximum health or when they needed more health than shield.
Epic have just announced that the Slurp Juice is temporarily disabled, due to some issues they are experiencing. They are currently investigating the issue and we will keep you updated with any new information.
So what was the problem with the Slurp Juice? There was a glitch that was discovered when consuming the Slurp Juice and cancelling the animation before the action was completed, players would benefit from the healing, but will still have the Slurp Juice in their inventory. Players would then be able to consume the Slurp again and would benefit from healing, but could cancel the animation half way through to keep a Slurp in their inventory.
You can see the Slurp Juice glitch in action below:
As you can see, players would essentially have infinite heals and shields, whilst only taking up one inventory slot and would be able be at an unfair disadvantage when challenging opponents.
Epic were able to catch this glitch quite quickly and we expect that the Slurp Juice will be back as soon as a solution has been found.