Here is the answer and some hints for the Dordle words for #30 today, released on February 23rd 2022.
Dordle is the similar to Wordle, but harder as players need to guess not one but two five-letter words side by side. In Wordle you have six guesses to solve the word, but in Dordle you have seven, but the guesses you make count towards both words, so you have be a bit more selective with the words you choose to guess to reveal the most amount of letters to help you to solve them.
Dordle Words Hints Today
We like to give our readers some hints for the Dordle words before giving you the answer as you may just need a push in the right direction. Here are the hints we have for Dordle 30 puzzle, released today on the 23rd February 2022.
Hint 1: The letters E and R are the common letters between both Dordle words today.
Hint 2: There are two vowels (same letter) in the first word and two in the second.
Hint 3: The first word begins with a E and the second on begins with an R.
Hint 4: The first word is to go into a place and the second word is when something repeats.
What is the Dordle 30 Answer Today? (February 23rd, 2022)
Here is how I solved the Dordle words today, starting with the word ‘URINE’. This was a great starting word as it showed me three letters that are in both words, although none was placed in the correct position. I decided to focus on the first word and guessed the word ‘NEWER’. This placed the E and R in the correct place and also showed me that there was also an N and another E in the word. This guess had also placed the E and the R in the correct place for the second word as well!
I then thought that the first word probably has a double E, so I guessed the word ‘SNEER’. This placed the N in the correct place, but also showed I was wrong in thinking there was a double E, which meant the word started with an E. The next word I guessed was the answer for the first word for Dordle 30 which is…
Looking at the second word, I could see that I knew the positions for the E and the R and also knew there was a U in the word, but no idea where it was placed, except for that the word did not start with a U. I rearranged the letters and managed to get the second Dordle 30 answer on my next guess which is…
Well done if you guessed both of those words correctly! Be sure to check back tomorrow for the hints and answers to the new Dordle puzzle!
Today’s ‘Dordle’ Words of the Day Answer #47: March 12th 2022