Here is the answer to the Mini Nerdle, Instant Nerdle and Classic Nerdle equations 51 released on 11th March 2022.
There are three daily Nerdle puzzles that are released on the Nerdle game website which are slightly different. There’s the Classic, Mini and Instant Nerdles for you to solve and we give you hints for the Classic and Mini Nerdles and the solutions to all of them every day as soon as we have solved them!
You can also have access to some exclusive puzzles that are tweeted by the @Nerdlegame so make sure you follow them to get access to them straight away. There is a new type of Nerdle that was released today called the Speed Pro Nerdle and we have the answer to this at the bottom of the article!
What is the Mini Nerdle 51 Answer Today? (March 11th, 2022)
For the Mini Nerdles, we help you by giving you all the numbers and symbols that are in the equation but you need to rearrange them to get the answer.
Hint For Mini Nerdle Today
Here are all of the numbers and symbols that are in the Mini Nerdle 51 today:
The answer to the Mini Nerdle is…
7 * 2 = 14
What is the Classic Nerdle 51 Answer Today? (March 11th, 2022)
Again, we like to give you all the elements that are in the equation for the hint to the Classic Nerdle as all you need to do is rearrange them to solve the equation.
Hint For Classic Nerdle Today
Here is the hint for the Classic Nerdle released today:
4, 6, /, 2, *, =, 8, 1
The answer to the Classic Nerdle 51 is…
8 * 4 / 16 = 2
What is the Instant Nerdle Answer Today? (March 11th, 2022)
There is also a Instant Nerdle puzzle that is released daily on the Nerdle game website and here is the answer to one released that was released on March 11th 2022:
6 + 21/7 = 9
What is the Speed Pro Nerdle Answer Today? (Tweeted March 10th, 2022)
If you follow @Nerdlegame on Twitter, you will notice that you get at least one exclusive puzzle that is an addition to the daily puzzles on the website, so if you want access to these, make sure you’re checking their socials! There is a new type of puzzle that they have tweeted out today, called the Speed Nerdle and here is what it looks like:
As you can see, you are given 4 numbers and symbols that appear in the equation, but they are not in the right order and you also know there are no 6, 4, 2 or – in the equations today. If you look in the top right, you will see a timer which shows you how long you are taking to solve the puzzle and if you look down the grid you will notice a +10sec penalty, +20sec penalty and +30sec penalty on rows 4, 5 and 6 which will add to your time.
We have the solution to the Speed Pro Nerdle equation tweeted on 10th March 2022 which is..
32 / 8 + 1 = 5
Well done if you managed to guess all of these equations right!
Today’s ‘Nerdle’ Equations of the Day #54 Answers: March 14th 2022