Here is a new concept of a wrap that should be added to Fortnite exclusive for founders.
New cosmetics are added to Fortnite on a regular basis and a new type of cosmetic were released in Season 7, wraps. Wraps were first introduced in the Season 7 Battle Pass but some have been made available to purchase in the Fortnite Item Shop with the Candy Cane wrap being the first to be released. Wraps can be used on both vehicles and weapons and you can even select different wraps for specific types of weapons.
Players who have purchased the Save the World mode of Fortnite are known as Founders and they have been granted with some exclusive cosmetics. The cosmetics that have been granted to Founders are the Rose Team Leader skin, Warpaint skin and in the v8.30 update, Founders were also awarded with an exclusive pickaxe and glider to match the skins.
There aren’t many exclusive cosmetics that have been released for Founders, especially compared to the amount of exclusive cosmetics that have been awarded to PlayStation Plus players and so it seems fair that Founders should get more exclusives to use in Battle Royale.
Reddit user GreenSpeed722 has created a concept for an exclusive wrap that could be awarded to Founders. He has suggested that Epic should introduce a wrap that would allow players to chose the element of their choice to use on a weapon. The different styles for the Founders Elements wrap would be the same elements present in Save the World, water, nature, fire and energy and he has suggested that the rarity of the wrap should be rare or epic. You can see examples of the water and fire elements on weapons below.
In the comments, others have suggested that players would need to progress in Save the World mode to be granted different styles/elements for the wrap. This would encourage players to play StW instead of just purchasing the mode for the exclusive cosmetics.
byu/_Redgit from discussion
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