Respawn have accidentally leaked the new Legends coming to Apex Legends next. Here is what we know about Blisk so far.
In Apex Legends, there has been a new Legend released in every new season in the past, however there was no new Legend released with the latest season (Season 16 – Revelry).
This is because Respawn decided to switch up the existing Legends and created new classes to put each Legend into, which had specific perks. The remasters legend classes are:
- Assault – More ammo per stack and have access to ‘red’ loot bins
- Skirmisher – Reveal Care Packages
- Recon – Survey Beacon which shows enemy locations
- Controller – Ring Console – Shows the next circle
- Support – Craft Banners and have access to ‘blue’ bins
Apex New Legend Leaked – Blisk
There is a new collection event that has been revealed called the Veiled Collection Event, where the new Prestige Skin for Caustic will be made available. There is also a new Limited Time Mode where players will be given a random loadout from three specific sets. There are no shields or helmets in this mode and the first team that reaches 50 kills will win the match.
To read the full patch notes on everything added in this event, please click here.
With new collection events, Respawn tend to update their website, but it looks like they made a mistake and published an image with an unreleased Legend, spotted by @AlphaINTEL.
As you can see, the wrong image was added for the announcement of the Veiled Collection Event and it looks like the rumoured Blisk Legend will be coming to the Games next.
It also looks like he is holding a Smart Pistol, which is a weapon that was in Titanfall 2.
Blisk is one of the founders on the Apex Games and is a Predator in the Titanfall universe. It will be interesting to see why he enters The Games himself, which will likely be revealed towards the end of this season.
Some of the abilities have been leaked before, however, these abilities could be changed before the release of the character in the game. Here are the leaked abilities of Blisk:
- Passive – Weapon Sling – This sling will allow you to hold a third weapon, but you cannot add any attachments to this gun.
- Tactical – Smart Bullet – Shoots a projectile that debuffs the enemy. The opponents guns will start to heat up as they shoot, which will cause a reaction and deal damage. Holding the tactical will allow it to lock on to a target.
- Ultimate – Weapon Enhancer – When activated, nearby teammates get a buff applied, where faster reloads, unarmed move speed, and infinite ammo will be activated. Ballistic’s sling weapon will be upgraded to gold automatically when the Ultimate is activated and will be equipped.