Two Fortbyte challenges were unlocked today and here’s where you can find Fortbyte 02, found at a location hidden within loading screen #6.
Epic always release at least one new Fortbyte challenge each day. However, today we have two Fortbyte challenges.
One of the Fortbyte challenges that was unlocked today was Fortbyte 30, found somewhere between Haunted Hills and Pleasant Park. We’ve covered the location of that Fortbyte over here if you need to collect it.
The other Fortbyte challenge that unlocked was Fortbyte 02 – found at a location hidden within Loading Screen #6, and we’ve created a location guide to help you collect it below.
Fortbyte 02 (2) – Found at a location hidden within Loading Screen #6
As provided by the name of the challenge, players will know the location of Fortbyte 02 from loading screen #6. Here’s what loading screen 6 looks like:
You’ll find Fortbyte 02 in Tilted Towers on the new clocktower. Here’s the exact location:
Here’s a video guide on collecting Fortbyte 02: