Here’s all the locations of where to find and destroy Nutcracker Statues for the Fortnite Operation Snowdown challenges.
The Fortnite Operation Snowdown Christmas event began last week on Friday and players can earn a free cosmetic each day by completing challenges. A new challenge unlocks each day at 2 PM GMT (9 AM ET) and thanks to data-miners, we know what all of the challenges are.
We’ve already had two challenges that require players to know the location of the Snowmando Outposts in order to search challenges and visit the outposts. Yesterday’s challenge required players to dance at different Holiday trees around the Fortnite season 5 map.
Today’s Operation Snowdown challenge requires players to destroy Nutcracker Statues. Here’s where to find and destroy Nutcracker Status around the map.
Where are Nutcracker Statues in Fortnite
In order to complete this challenge, players need to destroy a total of five Nutcracker Statues and there’s more than fifteen statues dotted around the map. Here’s the locations where you can find them along with the exact locations for each statue.
NOTE: I don’t believe these are a 100% spawn rate, but you should only need to visit three of the below locations to find five statues. We’ve included a full map with all the Nutcracker statues Fortnite locations.
Retail Row
In a one floor store on the east side. There’s three statues at this location.
Holly Hedges
In front of the garage at the north east house where there’s a green light. There’s two on the left and right front side of the garage.
North-East of Slurpy Swamp
Three Fortnite Nutcracker Statues inside the Snowmando Outpost.
East Snowmando Outpost
You’ll find two statues outside the front door of the Snowmando Outpost located north of Dirty Docks.
Pleasant Park
Outside the red brick house on the north side of the named location. There’s another two Fortnite Nutcracker statues inside the Snowmando Outpost west of Pleasant.
Salty Towers
One Nutcracker statue outside the blue house on the west side of Salty, run north and there’ll be another one outside the red brick house.
South of Catty Corner
The largest Snowmando Outpost that’s south of Catty Corner has Nutcracker Fortnite statues inside and outside.
Sweaty Sands
There’s one Fortnite Nutcracker Statue outside a van in the trailer park south of the named location.
Lazy Lake
In front of one of the houses on the north side of Lazy Lake.
Here’s the map locations of where you can find all the Nutcracker Statues in Fortnite. If we’ve missed any, be sure to drop it in the comments section below.