The Season 7, Week 7 Fortnite Challenges have been released and players need to use a Rift or Rift-To-Go in different matches three times. Here are the Fortnite Season 7 Rift Locations.
The week 7 challenges for Season 7 of Fortnite Battle Royale recently went live. One of the challenges requires players to use a Rift or a Rift-To-Go in different matches three times. The amount of Rifts on the map at the start of Season 7 were reduced and here are all of the current locations of Rifts on the Fortnite Season 7 map thanks to Reddit user Z444Z.
The majority of the Rifts are in the desert biome wht the other locations in Wailing Woods, Viking Village, and near Pleasant Park. There are two Rifts on the Season 7 map that are permanent / infinite and won’t go once a player uses them.
The Rift-To-Go item can be found in chests, vending machines, supply drops and loot llamas, however, if you want to complete the challenge quicker, the best way would be to drop in the desert biome, die and repeat until the challenge has been completed.
If you complete four of the seven week 7 challenges, you’ll be rewarded with 7,000 Season XP. If you complete all of the challenges, you’ll unlock a loading screen with the location of a free hidden Battle Star.