Here’s the Grumpy Greens Fortnite location for the season 2 week 4 challenges.
Epic Games changed up the Fortnite challenges system once again with the launch of chapter 2 season 2. Challenges can be viewed on the challenges table in the Battle Pass tab.
Instead of seven normal weekly challenges, Epic release ten challenges as part 1 of an agents challenges with the following week introduced part 2. We’ve already had part 1 of TNTina’s Trial challenges, and today introduces part 2.
There’s two different variants players can unlock for their agent Battle Pass skin, Shadow or Ghost. This can be unlocked upon completing eighteen of the twenty available challenges for the agent. However, players can’t unlock both styles/variants, they’ll need to make the choice between unlocking the shadow or ghost version of the skin.
One of the season 2 week 4 TNTina’s Trail challenges requires players to visit different landmarks on the Fortnite map. Epic added a few new landmark locations to the map with the launch of season 2, so you might not know where some of them are located.
You’ll need to visit Grumpy Greens in order to complete part of the visit landmarks challenge and we’ve created a quick locations guide below. We’ve also linked the location of Mowdown at the bottom of the article.
Grumpy Greens Fortnite Location
Grumpy Greens in Fortnite is located a short walk east of Pleasant Park. Grumpy Greens is a small landmark location, possibly the smallest on the map, You’ll know where you’re at the landmark as you’ll see a grumpy face.
Here’s what the Grumpy Greens landmark looks like in-game:
Here’s the exact location of where you’ll find the landmark on the Fortnite map:
Remember, you only need to visit the landmark in order to complete part of the challenge. Visiting Grumpy Greens is only a third of the challenge as players will need to visit two more landmarks in order to complete this challenge.
You’ll be able to visit the other two locations in the same game if you’re in Team Rumble or manage to get around to the other two landmarks without getting eliminated in solo, duos, or squads.