Here is the answer and some hints for the Dordle words for #37 today, released on March 2nd 2022.
Dordle is the hard version of Wordle as you need to solve two five-letter words instead of one and there are only seven guesses you have to solve both words. There is a new puzzle released every day and we will be here to help you with the answers, so make sure you come back if you need the help.
Dordle Words Hints Today
Here are the hints we have to help you complete Dordle #37 today.
Hint 1: The only common letter between both Dordle words today is the letter E.
Hint 2: There are two vowels in the first word (the same letter) and two vowels in the second words today.
Hint 3: The first word begins with an B and the second on begins with a E.
Hint 4: The first word is a sound and the second word is a number.
What is the Dordle 37 Answer Today? (March 2nd, 2022)
Here is how I got the answer to the Dordle 37 words. I first guessed the word ‘AUDIO’ as it has four vowels in the word but unfortunately this wasn’t a great guess for this puzzle as no letters appeared in the first word and there is only a letter I in the second word but the positioning is wrong. There must be an E in the first word and there could be one in the second so I guessed the word ‘SPIRE’ to see if I could place the I. This showed there was a P and an E in the first word and I still hadn’t placed the I in the correct place for the second word but I did know there was an E in it.
I then decided to guess the word ‘FLEET’ as the first word must have two E’s, but I did forget I knew there was a P in it. This guess did place the L and both E’s in the correct place and then I managed to guess the first word for Dordle 37 which is…
For the second word I knew the word ended in T and that there was an E and I in it. I then made a guess, which happened to be the answer to the second word for Dordle which is…
Well done if you guessed that right!
Today’s ‘Dordle’ Words of the Day Answer #47: March 12th 2022