Here’s a list of the leaked cosmetics yet to release in the Fortnite Item Shop.
Every Fortnite client/patch update brings a number of new files, some of which are new cosmetics that dataminers leak during the update maintenance.
Epic have recently released a number of cosmetics in the shop that were encrypted including the Sterling skin, Silver Sledge pickaxe, Daring Duelist skin and Flint Striker pickaxe. There’s a few other cosmetic files that are encrypted which are yet to be released.
We’ve also seen a number of cosmetics release in the Fortnite Item Shop since they were leaked in the v8.50 update, however there are a few cosmetics that are yet to be released. You can view all of the cosmetics that are yet to be released as of the 3rd May, 2019.
Gemini Skin (Epic) – Prepare for interstellar hop.
The Gemini skin will have another style which is unlockable by completing the Gemini challenges.
Plasma Carrot Pickaxe (Epic) – So good you can almost taste it.
Longhorn Pickaxe (Rare) – Corral the competition.
Back Blings
Cryo Hops Back Bling (Epic) – The bunny’s just chilling.
Helium Glider (Uncommon) – Lighter than air.
Rush Glider (Uncommon) – It’s a rush.
Steadfast Glider (Uncommon) – Battle-tested.
Lavish Emote (Rare) – Join in the celebration.
Here’s a look at the Lavish emote in-game:
With Season 8 ending soon, it’s likely we’ll get the Gemini skin and Lavish emote in the Item Shop soon. However, there’s no guessing when the other unreleased cosmetics will make their way into the shop.