Here’s how and where to complete the “study the caretaker’s footprints” Fortnite chapter 2 season 8 quest.
The second part of Fortnitemares 2021 released on Tuesday when the 18.21 update went live. Along with a new named location in the middle of the map, Fortnitemares quests and rewards went live at 9 AM ET.
There are two different quest lines, Ariana Grande’s Monster Hunter challenges and the Ghost Buster: Afterlife challenges. One of Ariana’s challenges require players to study the caretaker’s footprints. Here are the locations of where you can find and study the caretaker’s footprints in Fortnite chapter 2 season 8.
The Caretaker Footprints in Fortnite Locations
In order to complete this challenge, you’ll need to find a total of two different footprints to study. Thankfully, there are a number of different locations on the chapter 2 season 8 map where you can find caretaker footprints in Fortnite.
One of the locations you can find them is in Catty Corner. Head to the named location and if you enter from the south side you’ll find the footprints by the metal container. Here’s what they’ll look like in-game:
One of the other locations where you can complete this is on the north-east side of Lazy Lake. Here’s the map location:
There are eight different locations where you’ll be able to complete this challenge. Thanks to Fortnite GG. We have the locations of where you can complete this challenge. Here are the other locations on the map where you can find and study the caretaker’s footprints:
- Holly Hedges
- Misty Meadows
- Retail Row
- Dirty Docks
- Boney Barbs
- Corny Crops
- Believer Beach
- Pleasant Park
- Craggy Cliffs
Here are those locations marked on the map along with the two other locations we’ve already shown above:
In order to study the footprint, simply look at footprint and use your interact button.