Today is a momentous day, a large step towards having custom matchmaking seems to be coming much quicker than anticiapted. Just recently, Fortnite tweeted out some of the community will be able to test out the custom matchmaking feature. If you’d like to check out this new feature, Twitch streamer DrLupo has the honour of being the first to test it out. This feature is currently only available on PC. Hopefully it makes it way to console in the near future.
Update: It seems like the only feature of custom matchmaking right now is password locking the match, so streamers can play with their viewers. Streamers are telling their viewers what type of game mode they want to play, and the viewers who join the custom match atest to the rule sets. An example of this would be a streamer telling his viewers to drop at tilted towers with only axes being used.
Check out what custom matchmaking could look like in the future.
Head over to @DrLupoOnTwitch who is currently Live on Twitch playing with his community in custom matches!
— Fortnite (@FortniteGame) January 30, 2018
Head on over to: to watch the feature live, or check out
UPDATE: Check out how to enter custom matches. (The password to enter will be set by the streamer and will probably change each time)
[iframe src=”” width=”640″ height=”500″]
Let us know what features you’d want in custom matchmaking in the comments section below.