Epic Games previously announced that Fortnite will be coming to Android devices in the summer, and it looks like it might launch as an exclusive to an upcoming Samsung device, the Galaxy Note 9. According to 9to5Google, the Note 9 will launch in August along with Fortnite on Android with 30 days of exclusivity.
Both 9to5Google and XDA Developers say that Note 9 buyers will be rewarded with some Fortnite freebies, including V-Bucks, player skins and more. It’s reported that Samsung have found a way to add S Pen functionality to the game.
The launch of Fortnite on Android is going to come as a special promotion alongside the Samsung Galaxy Note 9, which is set to be announced in just a couple weeks, our source says. Logic would suggest, then, that the game’s Play Store listing should pop up around the same time the Note 9 becomes publicly available.
If the time window of exclusivity is accurate, it would mean the game will be coming to other Android devices in September.