Here are all of the skins and other cosmetics available in Item Shop for the 22nd February 2019. The Item shop features the brand new Deep Sea Dominator and Deep Sea Detroyers skins as well as the Natilus Glider, and Squid Striker Pickaxe.
The Fortnite Item Shop has updated for the 201st February and the daily and featured items have changed to rotate in new cosmetics which range from skins (outfits), pickaxes (harvesting tools), gliders and emotes. Yesterday’s item shop saw the return of the Ice Queen skin along with new unlockable styles. The shop also featured the Magnus skin.
- Free Wrap: Here’s how to get a FREE Cuddle Hearts Wrap from 8th February onwards.
- Check out the 3d Fortnite visualizer cosmetic combo tool here
Here are the cosmetics available in the item shop today:
- Deep Sea Dominator Skin (Epic) – 1,500 V-Bucks
- Deep Sea Destroyer Skin (Epic) – 1,500 V-Bucks
- Nautilus Glider (Epic) – 1,200 V-Bucks
- Squid Striker Pickaxe (Rare) – 800 V-Bucks
- Highrise Assault Trooper Skin (Uncommon) – 800 V-Bucks
- Flux Emote (Rare) – 500 V-Bucks
- Coaxial Copter Pickaxe (Epic) – 1,200 V-Bucks
- Battle Pass Tiers (Epic) – 600 V-Bucks
- Chromatic Wrap (Uncommon) – 300 V-Bucks