Here are all of the Daily items including skins and cosmetics for the Fortnite Item Shop for the 26th January 2019. The Fortnite shop features the recently leaked Volley Girl Skin.
UPDATE: You can view the item shop for 27th January here
The Fortnite Item Shop updates every day to display new Fortnite skins, emotes, gliders, pickaxes, Back Blings and Wraps. Yesterday’s item shop featured the brand new Tech ops skin as well as the Coaxial Copter Glider and the Armature Pickaxe.
Here are all of the cosmetics available in the shop today:
- Tech Ops Skin (Rare) – 1,200 V-Bucks
- Coaxial Copter Glider (Epic) – 1,500 V-Bucks
- Armature Pickaxe (Uncommon) – 500 V-Bucks
- Volley Girl Skin (Rare) – 1,200 V-Bucks
- Slow Clap Emote (Uncommon) – 200 V-Bucks
- Munitions Expert Skin (Rare) – 1,200 V-Bucks
- Dominator Skin (Uncommon) – 800 V-Bucks
- Shadow Puppet Glider (Epic) – 1,200 V-Bucks
- Whirlwind Emote (Rare) – 500 V-Bucks
- Filet Axe Pickaxe (Rare) – 800 V-Bucks
Here are the cosmetics that were available in the Fortnite Item shop yesterday (25th January):