Don’t know the location of where to salute Deadpool’s pants? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with the exact map location.
We’re onto week 9 of the Fortnite Deadpool challenges which appears to be the final set of challenges for Deadpool. We’ll likely find out if this truly is the last set of Deadpool challenges once the v12.41 update is released next week, likely on Tuesday or Wednesday.
What we do know however, is that players need to complete two challenges for Deadpool this week in order to unlock yet another skin style for Deadpool. The new skin style for Deadpool is called X-Force.
The difference between the normal skin style and the X-Force skin style the colour. The skin style is grey with red eyes whereas Deadpool’s normal colours are red with white eyes. Here’s a look at the skin style:
The final challenge to unlock the X-Force Deadpool skin style is to salute Deadpool’s pants. You can only do that once you complete the first week 9 challenge which requires players to find deadpool’s shorts.
You may be confused as to whether you can salute Deadpool’s pant in the HQ or on the map. We have the answers below.
Salute Deadpool’s Pants Fortnite
Although we’re writing this guide prior to the week 9 challenges releasing, we know that you’ll need to salute Deadpool’s pants in a game instead of doing it in the agents HQ.
We’ve located where Deadpool’s pants are on the Fortnite map. However, we’re not quite sure how exactly players will salute Deadpool’s pants once they’re at the location.
You can find Deadpool’s pants located in the middle of the map at the Agency. You’ll have already noticed the flags that are around the agency and Deadpool’s pants on a flag pole. However, you need to salute Deadpool’s pants at Sweaty Sands.
Here’s the exact location at Sweaty Sands where you’ll find and salute them:
Here’s what they look like in-game:
Update: We’ve updated the article with the exact location of where you can complete the salute Deadpool’s pants challenge. Originally we thought it would be at The Agency, but it ended up being at Sweaty Sands!
It’s likely once you’re close to the pole or pants, there’ll be an interaction button that’ll allow players to salute the pants. We’ll update this guide as soon as the challenges release to provide you with the exact method on how to go about saluting Deadpool’s pants.