Here are all of the leaked Fortnite wraps that have been found in the v10.00 update for Season X/10.
Cosmetics are always leaked when the new update is available to download and one of the types of cosmetics that have been found in the v10.00 update are wraps. Wraps were first introduced to Fortnite in the Season 7 Battle Pass and was the first cosmetic that was available to purchase in the Item Shop as well.
Wraps can be used on both weapons and vehicles and you are able even able to select different wraps for the type of weapon, e.g Sniper Rifles and Shotguns can have different wraps. This can be selected in the locker.
Since the introduction of wraps, we have seen many introduced to Fortnite Battle Royale and they could be earned in different ways. Wraps have been used as rewards in specific challenges, through levelling up in the Battle Pass, available to purchase in the Item Shop and some are available through bundles.
Leaked Fortnite Season X Wraps
Here are all of the leaked wraps from the Season X (v10.00) update. Remember that the majority of these, if not all, will be available in the Season x Battle Pass. These wraps were found by @xkleinmikex:
We will be releasing the names and rarities of these wraps later. Which one do you like the most? Let us know in the comments below.