Epic Games confirmed the release date of the Fortnite Season 10 Overtime “Out of Time” Mission Challenges.
We’ll be into week 10 of Fortnite Season 10 tomorrow, but there will be no Battle Pass challenges released. We’ll still be getting a brand new limited time mission called “Last Stop”, which originally had four objectives, but Epic added in an additional three challenges in today’s v10.40.1 Fortnite update.
The season 10 overtime challenges are called “Out of Time” and were leaked by dataminers in the v10.40 update. A large number of the player base have been waiting for these challenges to release and Epic have now provided an official release date for the challenges.
When do the Fortnite Season 10 Overtime Out of Time Mission Challenges Release?
The out of time challenges will be available next week on Tuesday, October 8th at 9 AM ET. The challenges will be available for five days with the challenges only being available until Sunday, October 13th.
Out of Time Mission Objectives/Challenges
Here are the overtime out of time mission objectives/challenges that were leaked by dataminers:
- Reach Battle Pass Tier 47 (47)
- Complete Out of Time Challenges (1)
- Reach Battle Pass Tier 70 (70)
- Complete Out of Time Challenges (3)
- Reach Battle Pass Tier 87 (87)
- Complete Out of Time Challenges (5)
- Collect the Visitor recording on the Floating Island and Retail Row (1)
- Deal damage to opponents (2500)
- Collect the Visitor recording on the Moisty Palms and Greasy Grove (1)
- Outlast opponents (250)
- Collect the Visitor recording on the Starry Suburbs and Gotham City (1)
- Search chests (25)
Out of Time Mission Rewards
Each challenge will provide players with season XP. Some of the challenges will grant players 10,000 season xp whilst others will provie 2,500 or 5,000 season xp. Other rewards including different styles for the season 10 Battle Pass skins as well as a loading screen upon completing any 6 of the challenges.
The skin style rewards are for the YOND3R, Sparkle Supreme and Eternal Voyager skins. Here’s a look at the leaked skin style rewards:
As always, we’ll have guides on how to complete the new mission challenges including the exact locations of the Visitor tapes.