There are new challenges released every week for Battle Pass holders in Fortnite Battle Royale and according to Fortnite Tracker, these will the challenges for Season 4, Week 9:
- Deal damage with Explosive Weapons to opponents (500)
- Search chests in Moisty Mires (7)
- Use a Shopping Cart (1)
- Visit different Taco Shops in a single match (3)
- Search between movie titles (HARD) (1)
- Shotgun eliminations (HARD) (4)
- Eliminate opponents in Anarchy Acres (3)
The “Visit different Taco Shops in a single match” challenge is a challenge that we saw in Season 3 and may just be a placeholder challenge that Epic will change on Thursday when the official challenges are released. Other sources have speculated that this challenge will actually be “Visit different craters in a single match”.
The Shopping Carts are still disabled at the moment, due to players that were able to glitch under the map by using the carts. The “Use a Shopping Cart” challenge may also be changed if the Shopping Carts are not fixed in time and could be reintroduced at a later date when the glitch has been fixed by Epic.
This weeks ‘Search’ challenge is “Search between movie titles”. As the movie titles that are located in Risky Reels has been changing on a weekly basis, we will have to wait and see when the update is live to see the different movie titles and from there the location of the star can be deciphered. As always, we will be showing the location of the Battle Star when the challenges go live on Thursday.
NOTE: These challenges can change on Thursday, as they have done so in the past. However, the leaked challenges are usually correct, with only one or two challenges changing when it comes to the official challenges being unlocked on Thursday.
We will post the challenges when they are live and also tips on how to complete challenges you may be struggling with.