Here are the leaked challenges for Fortnite Battle Royale Season 9, Week 9.
We are nearing the end of the weekly challenges as there are only 10 weeks of weekly challenges for any season. Epic had announced that the season will be extended for an extra two weeks due to the World Cup. It is very likely that Epic will be releasing Overtime Challenges, as they have done in the past.
The challenges for Season 9, Week 9 has been leaked beforehand by data-miners and can be seen below.
Leaked Season 9, Week 9 Free Pass Challenges
- Use a Chug Jug or Chug Splash in different matches (3)
- Visit a solar array in the snow, desert and the jungle (1)
- Staged Challenge: Get an elimination with a …rarity weapon
- Get an elimination with a Common rarity weapon (1)
- Get an elimination with a Uncommon rarity weapon (1)
- Get an elimination with a Rare rarity weapon (1)
- Get an elimination with a Epic rarity weapon (1)
- Get an elimination with a Legendary rarity weapon (1)
Leaked Season 9, Week 9 Battle Pass Challenges
- Deal headshot damage (500)
- Search chest at Lazy Lagoon or Happy Hamlet (7)
- Eliminate opponents in different Named Locations (5)
- Deal damage to an opponent within 10s of landing from a Volcano Vent (200)
Once you have completed 4 of the challenges for this week, you will be awarded with 9,000 XP and once you have completed 6 challenges, you will unlock another Fortbyte. Completing all of the challenges for this week (and providing you have completed all previous challenges) you will unlock the following loading screen.
There will be a hidden Battle Star for this week and we will be revealing the location as soon as the challenges go live. We will also be publishing the Cheat Sheet as soon as it is available.
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