Here’s where you can find Shadow Ollie in Fortnite in order to unlock the Shadow Fortnite skin style for the Skye Battle pass skin.
Part 2 of the Fortnite Skye’s Adventure challenges are available with part 1 being released last week. Each of the challenges for the Battle Pass skins provide players with a chance to unlock a skin style.
However, players will need to choose between either the Shadow or Ghost skin style for the skin. In order to unlock the shadow or ghost skin style, players will need to complete 18 of the available 20 challenges. This week, players can unlock the skin style for Skye.
Once the 18 challenges are completed, players can unlock the skin style by completing one of the two challenges listed below:
- Find Shadow Ollie in Weeping Woods
- Find Ghost Ollie at Frenzy Farm
We’ll be going over the location of where you can find Shadow Ollie in Weeping Woods which will unlock the Shadow skin style for Skye.
Find Shadow Ollie in Weeping Woods Fortnite
Skye Shadow Skin Style
Before we get into the location of Shadow Ollie, here’s a look at the Shadow skin style for Skye in case you’re still on the fence in regards to which style you want to unlock:
Shadow Ollie Location
As provided by the challenge name, you’ll be able to find Shadow Ollie in Weeping Woods. Weeping Woods is quite a large named location with plenty of trees and huts to fill the location.
It can be hard to find Shadow Ollie in Weeping Woods, so we’ve found them for you. Here’s the location of where you find Shadow Ollie:
You’ll need to go up to Shadow Ollie and wear it by interacting with it. Here’s the location marked on the Fortnite map:
You will need to be close to Ollie in order for it to appear and once you have interacted with Ollie, you will be wearing the Shadow style.