Here is where and how to complete the Fortnite dance on camera for 10s at Sweaty Sands Challenge for Week 4.
There are new challenges that have been released for Week 4 of Fortnite Chapter 2, Season 3 and one of these challenges is to dance on camera for 10s at Sweaty Sands. There are quite a few challenges that have been released this season for this named location so if you have not completed the previous challenges, you can do so at the same time as completing this challenge.
Fortnite Guide: Dance on Camera for 10s at Sweaty Sands
This challenge is a quick and easy one to complete, as long as you know where to go. Sweaty Sands is a named location on the map, as previously mentioned, so you will see it on the map as long as you have discovered it. If not, it can be found north of Holly Hedges and southwest of Salty Springs.
Fortnite Sweaty Sands Camera Map Location
Once you have landed in Sweaty Sands, you will need to find the camera. The camera can found on the pier of Sweaty Sands, which has been marked on the map below:
Once here, you will see a dance floor, which is where the camera is located. In order to complete this challenge, all you need to do is dance for 10 seconds. It will probably be best to complete this challenge in the Team Rumble mode so as not to be shot from enemies.
The challenges this season awards players with 35,000 XP each, so make sure you complete all of these challenges to level up in this Seasons Battle Pass as quick as possible. Be sure to complete the season Punch Cards as well for additional XP.