The new LTM is here! Heres what you need to know:
- Take down Thanos, equip the Gauntlet and claim Victory!
- Mashup Details
- Early in the match, a meteor will land in the storm safe zone, delivering the Infinity Gauntlet.
- Any player who uses the Infinity Gauntlet will transform into Thanos.
- If Thanos is eliminated, the Gauntlet will fall to the ground, free for the taking. If it sits unused for too long, it will disappear until another meteor appears.
- Last player standing will be the victor!
- Thanos Details
- Ability 1 – A mighty punch that knocks enemies back and destroys structures.
- Ability 2 – Thanos flies towards the ground, hitting an area for knockback and damage.
- Ability 3 – Harness the energy of the Power stone to fire a blast that deals damage over time.
- Ability 4 – A super-jump that can vault Thanos over all but the largest obstructions.
- Thanos has both shields and health. When he eliminates another player, his shields regenerate. His health never regenerates.
- Thanos doesn’t take fall damage.
- Thanos does not build, use weapons or things like launch pads. He has no need for such petty human devices.
- Storm + Map
- Maximum match length is roughly 15 minutes.
- The match will start with the storm circle already closing in over the island.
- The storm does more damage than normal, ticking for 5% health during the first circle and 10% for the rest of the game.
- Loot
- Only Rare, Epic & Legendary weapons will be spawned.
- Increased chances of treasure chests spawning from 50-70% to 80-90%.
- Increased chances of ammo boxes spawning from 65-80% to 85-95%.
- Floor Loot spawns nearly 100% of the time.
- Launchpad spawn likelihood greatly increased.
- Harvesting resources doubled.
- Resources found in loot increased from 30 to 60.
- Chug Jug, Port-A-Fort, Boogie Bomb, Slurp Juice, Bush, and Remote Explosives drop rate increased.
- Regular Grenade, Shield & Bandage drop rate lowered.
Here’s what the Fortnite Team had to say about the collaboration with Marvel:
This is a collaborative experiment between friends from start to finish. Jump in tomorrow, play and experience Fortnite x Avengers. It’s unlike anything we’ve done before and we want to know what you think!