Here’s where you can find Obsidian in LEGO Fortnite as well as how to create Obsidian slabs.
LEGO Fortnite has been out for a few days now and it’s gone down as a huge success with the player base.
On Saturday, LEGO Fortnite peaked at over 2.4 million concurrent players, and with Epic promising more updates, the future of the new game mode looks promising.
With LEGO Fortnite being so different from the other game modes available, some players are struggling with finding all the resources and items without a bit of help.
To create certain items or upgrade things, players will need to know where to find Obsidian and how to make Obsidian slabs.
Here’s a quick guide on how to get Obsidian and how to create Obsidian slabs in LEGO Fortnite.
How to get Obsidian in LEGO Fortnite – Locations Guide
To find Obsidian, you’ll need to know where the Dry Valley Mesas is and the desert caves.
Once you know the above, you’ll need to enter a desert cave. However, before you enter the caves, you’ll need to create a rare pickaxe to mine the Obsidian in LEGO Fortnite.
To create a rare pickaxe, players will need to have upgraded their crafting bench to rare rarity or higher.
We’d also recommend creating a Snowberry shake to increase your heat resistance and have extra health.
To create a snowberry shake, you’ll need 2 snow berries and 1 carton of milk.
You can get Obsidian in LEGO Fortnite by using your pickaxe on the dark shiny ores that you find on the ground and walls in the lava caves.
Once you break the Obsidian ore, you’ll see Obisidan drop to the floor which you can then pick up.
How to create Obsidian Slabs in LEGO Fortnite
To create Obsidian Slabs in LEGO Fortnite, players will need to use the Obsidian they obtained using the guide above and insert it into a stone breaker.
When you have Obsidian, you’ll have the option to create an Obsidian Slab.
Once the stone breaker has been processed, you’ll have Obsidian Slabs.