More Overtime challenges have been unlocked and are available to complete, and Stage 4 of The Prisoner skin is available to unlock.
The Prisoner skin was unlockable when the Season 7, Week 9 challenges went live, with players are required to complete 60 weekly challenges in order to unlock the skin. Prior to the Prisoner skin being unlocked, data-miners leaked that there would be 4 stages of the skin. However, upon unlocking the skin, there were no stages in the locker.
HeyStani, a popular Fortnite YouTuber, was the first person to discover that stage 2 was unlockable by finding a key found in the Polar Peak castle. The week 10 Snowfall loading screen provided a tip on how to unlock stage 3 of the skin where players are required to light a campfire on the hill south east of Retail Row.
Stage 4 of the Prisoner skin is now available to unlock as a new Overtime challenge rewards players with a loading screen showing The Prisoner in his final form, stage 4.
In order to unlock stage of the Prisoner skin, players need to simply land at a location near the new block whilst wearing the Prisoner skin. Once this has been done, you’ll unlock stage 4 of the Prisoner Skin.
Here’s a video of stage 4 being unlocked:
Prisoner Stage 4 Unlock Location
byu/OddsomeOddy inFortNiteBR
Here’s what stage 4 of the Prisoner skin looks like: