We have a new hotfix Fortnite update today including a new item and two new augments. Here are the full patch notes for the 3rd October release.
Although Fortnite Chapter 4 season 4 was only released at the end of August, we’re now only a month away from Season 5, which will likely be the final season of the chapter.
If leaks are correct, season 5 will only last for a month with chapter 5 scheduled to go live at the start of December. However, we’ll need to wait a few weeks to see if these leaks are true.
In the meantime, Epic continues to release major patch updates alongside content updates. Today, Epic released a small hotfix/content update which includes a new item.
We also have two previously leaked augments making their way into the game. Here are the full patch notes for the 3rd October 2023 Fortnite update.
Fortnite Update Patch notes – 3rd October 2023 (10/03/23)
When Epic Games releases a major Fortnite update, they’ll usually add content for the following week.
With last week’s v26.20 update, there were some items and augments that were added ready for release this week, which are now available in the game.
The Ninja Training and Shrub Mud augments can now be used in-game.
The Ninja Training augment provides players with increased movement speed while crouching.
The Shrub Mud augment will cover players in mud when in big bushes, leaf piles, and tall grass.
The two augments likely won’t be selected much by players and are pretty pointless additions. However, the Tactical DMR is now available in-game.
- Here are the stats of the Tactical DMR:
3x Zoom - 14 Clip Size
- 2.9 Fire Rate
- 2.75-2.2s Reload Time
- 41 Damage (68 Headshot) at Common, and 50 Damage (83 Headshot) at Legendary.
Here’s what it looks like in-game:
That’s all that was added in today’s new Fortnite hotfix update. We’ll have more content added in next week’s v26.30 update which will likely see the Halloween Fortnitemares event added to the game.