The second Showtime challenge is available to complete, requiring players to visit the Showtime venue. Here’s the exact location of the Showtime venue.
The last two Showtime challenges have both been unlocked and are now available to complete. The rewards for the two new challenges are the “Keep it Mello” emote, and the”“Marshmell” pickaxe. The “Keep it Mello” emote is rewarded to players who complete the “Visit the Showtime Venue” challenge and here’s the exact location of the venue.
Althought the Showtime venue location may be obvious to some, we’re already getting requests to “show where the Showtime venue is”, and we’ve happily oblidged as there’ll be a large number of people who will be playing Fortnite for the first time due to the Marshmello event.
In order to complete the third challenge, players must complete the visit the Showtime venue challenge as the “Keep it Mello” emote is used to complete the third and final challenge. Once you’ve completed this challenge, head on over to our post on how to complete the “Use Keep it Mello at a trucker’s oasis, ice cream parlor, and a frozen lake” challenge.