Here’s a quick guides on how to complete the destroy mailboxes chapter 3 season 1 week 10 challenge.
We move onto week ten of Fortnite chapter 3 season 1 today. We’re under six weeks away from the new season, but we’re still expecting two major patch updates prior to season 2. There’s also likely going to be a live event before the new season launches.
We still have more than five weeks of challenges set to release including this weeks challenges. At the start of the season, some of the challenges required players to go outside of their normal play style to complete them. The last couple of weeks have been straightforward to complete, and are usually completed without noticing.
However, one of the week 10 challenges requires players to destroy mailboxes at Sleepy Sound or Tilted Towers. Here’s a brief guide to help you complete this challenge as quickly as possible.
Destroy Mailboxes Tilted Towers & Sleepy Sound Locations
Most players drop at Tilted Towers since it’s return to the game. That makes it a little tricky to complete the challenge based on the amount of players that you’ll run into whilst looking for mailboxes to destroy.
If you’re comfortable dropping there, the best place to complete this challenge would be near the clock tower. There’s three mailboxes right next to each other. Here’s what the mail boxes look like:
Here’s four of the locations marked in Tilted Towers. Although there’s more, the three that are near each other would be the most ideal to destroy.
If you’d prefer to drop at a less chaotic location, Sleepy Sound also has four mailboxes close to one another. Here are the map locations:
Remember, you don’t need to pickaxe them, you can shoot them from a distance in order to destroy the mailboxes at Sleepy Sound or Tilted Towers and it’ll still count towards the challenge.