Here’s what Timber Pine Stumps are in Fortnite along with the locations of where you can destroy Timber Pine Stumps as part of the chapter 3 season 1 week 6 challenges.
Another week, another set of weekly challenges to complete in Fortnite Battle Royale. We’ve known what the challenges from week 1 to week 8 were ahead of time with data-miners leaking them when the new chapter and season started back in December 2021.
Most of the challenges can be completely by playing normally. Epic have decided to make the challenges easier, but they’re not as easy as they were last season. Some challenges require players to collect fragments or telescope parts.
The Fortnite chapter 3 season 1 week 6 challenges are straightforward, but some players might need a guide or two for a couple of the challenges. One of the challenges requires players to destroy timber pine stumps. Here’s what they are and where you can find them on the chapter 3 season 1 map.
What are Timber Pine Stumps?
Timber Pine Stumps in Fortnite are the tree stumps that are left when you knock down a Timber Pine tree. Here’s what they look like in-game:
Destroy Timber Pine Stumps Fortnite Locations
One of the week 5 challenges required players to knock down these new trees in Fortnite. However, if you don’t remember where you found them, here’s a map of where you can find them:
Head to the blue marker on the map above and you’ll find the trees. Once you knock one down, Timber Pine stumps will appear. Simply hit them twice with a pickaxe and you’ll have destroyed one.
To complete the challenge, you’ll need to destroy a total of three stumps. This shouldn’t take you more than a couple of minutes to complete.