One of the Challenges/Objectives for the Mystery Skin Mission is to touch a giant glowing cube, enter the Rift above Loot Lake, and search a landing pod within a meteor in Fortnite. Here is the location of the giant glowing cube.
Epic have just revealed how to get the Mystery Skin for Season 10/X and it is a lot easier than previous seasons. A new Mission has been released in Fortnite, called A Meteoric Rise, and there are seven objectives/challenges to complete, all of which can be seen by clicking here.
One of the objectives/challenges to complete is to touch a giant glowing cube, enter the Rift above Loot Lake, and search a landing pod within a meteor. This article will show you how and where to touch a giant glowing cube and how to enter the Rift above Loot Lake.
Giant Glowing Cube Map Location
For Season X, Epic have decided to bring Rift Zones to Fortnite, where POIs from the past have made a return. The Floating Island was brought back when The Return Limited Time Mission was live and also brought Kevin the Cube.
The Floating Island is making it’s way around the map and at the time of writing can be found north of Snobby Shores. The island is marked on the map, so make sure you check the map so you know the location of the island before dropping from the Battle Bus.
When you get to the island, you want to aim for Kevin the Cube, which is at the bottom of the island, and all you need to do it bump into it. You will know when you have done this as you will bounce off once you make impact and you will get a notification on the side of your screen showing you have completed part of the challenge.
Rift above Loot Lake
Once you have completed this part of the challenge/objective, you will then need to enter the Rift above Loot Lake. The Rift is very easy to spot, as it is located right in the center of the POI. Simply enter the Rift to complete the second part of the objective.
Click here for the last part of this challenge, how and where to search a landing pod.