Here are the Fortnite Season 9, Week 4 leaked challenges that will be released on 30th May.
Seven new challenges are released every week in Fortnite Battle Royale with three of these being available for Free Pass players and the remaining four only available for Battle Pass players to complete. The challenges are leaked ahead of time by data-miners and here are the leaked challenges for Season 9, Week 4, thanks to @FireMonkeyFN
UPDATE: The official challenges can be seen here.
Free Pass Challenges
- Deal damage with Sniper Rifles to opponents (500)
- Staged Challenge: Dance…
- Stage 1: Dance inside a holographic Tomato head (1)
- Stage 2: Dance inside a holographic Durrr Burger head (1)
- Stage 3: Dance on top of a giant Dumpling head (1)
- Legendary weapon eliminations (3)
Battle Pass Challenges
- Destroy a Loot Carrier in different matches (3)
- Staged Challenge: Land at..
- Land at Polar Peak (1)
- Land at Lazy Lagoon (1)
- Land at Salty Springs (1)
- Land at The Block (1)
- Land at Lonely Lodge (1)
- Eliminate opponents in Haunted Hills or Dusty Divot (3)
- Visit different Named Locations in a single match (5)
Once you have completed four of the challenges for this week, you will be awarded with 5,000 XP to help you level up. As with every week this season, once you have completed six of the seven challenges for the week, you will unlock a Fortbyte.
The challenges for this week are pretty straight forwards again, but we will be releasing a guide and a cheat sheet you help you complete the dance challenge. These challenges may differ slightly from the official challenges, but we will be posting the official challenges as soon as they are released.
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