The challenges for Fortnite Season 6, Week 8 are now live and one of the challenges for this week is to ‘Dance with a fish trophy at different named locations’. We have highlighted a few of the locations in which you can find the fish trophies on the map below and you are only required to dance in front of seven different fish trophies in order to complete the challenge. The trophies can be found inside of the buildings marked above, and you simply have to dance in front of the fish to complete the challenge. The fish will start moving when you dance in front of it.
There are more locations in which you can find the fish trophies, but the map shows eight locations and so there is enough to complete the challenge. The locations are quite close together and so you may be able to complete the challenge in one match if you manage to survive. Having a vehicle nearby will help you to complete the challenge quicker.
Another challenge for this week is to ‘Visit different Named Locations in a single match’. Seeing as you will have to go to seven different locations for the fish trophy challenge, it will be quicker to complete both of these challenges together. Again, a vehicle will help to travel across the map quicker.
Let us know of any more locations in the comments section below.