Epic Games reintroduced the self-refund feature today in Version 4.3, allowing you to refund skins/cosmetics, however the majority of players don’t know how to use the feature due to the change in location. Previously, the refund feature was easier to access, with just on button/click away from navigating to the feature from the lobby screen, the new location, however is in the options.
In order to refund a cosmetic, you need to navigate over to settings, and navigate to the last tab called “Account and Creation”. In the tab you’ll find the self-refund feature called “Lifetime Refund Requests”. This will display the amount of refunds you have left.
Although the community have been asking Epic to allow more than 3 refunds, it look as though no changes have been made, and you can still only refund 3 cosmetic items. You’ll still only be able to refund cosmetics that you purchased within the last 30 days.
Check out the leaked skins coming to Fortnite:
Datamining Reveals New Leaked Skins and Cosmetics Coming to Fortnite