Battle Pass players have new challenges released every week for Fortnite Battle Royale. There are 7 challenges that are released and players can earn Battle Stars by completing the challenges and progress in level.
One of the challenges for Season 4, Week 8 requires players to find 7 Hungry Gnomes in Fortnite Battle Royale. We have marked the location of the Hungry Gnomes on the map below, but let us know in the comments section below if you find more in other locations:
Players are only required to search 7 Hungry Gnomes in order to complete this challenge.
This is a classic ‘Search’ challenge in Fortnite Battle Royale where Epic add items that would not normally be in the game, such as Rubber Ducks in a previous weeks’ challenge.
The way to know there is a Gnome nearby is by the “yummy yummy yummy” noises that you will be able to hear when you are close. Be sure to break objects as well as they could be hiding behind them. Some of the obvious places to look for the Hungry Gnomes is in food related areas of the map, i.e stores.
Another challenge for Season 4 , Week 8 is to search between a Bear, Crater, and a Refrigerator Shipment. The location of the Star can be found below:
How to Complete the ‘Search between a Bear, Crater, and a Refrigerator Shipment’ Challenge