Here is the answer and some hints for the Dordle words for #29 today, released on February 22nd 2022.
Dordle is the harder version of Wordle as you need to guess two five-letter words at a time and every guess you make counts towards both words and there are only seven guesses you can make. The rules are the same where you have to guess actual words in the American English language and the tiles will change colour to show you if you have guessed the right letters and if they are in the correct place.
Dordle Words Hints Today
As usual, we will be giving our readers some hints for the puzzle and here are the hints we have to help you solve the daily Dordle 28 today.
Hint 1: The letter E is the only common letter between both Dordle words today.
Hint 2: There are three vowels in the first word and two in the second but it’s two of the same letter.
Hint 3: The first word begins with a A and the second on begins with an E.
Hint 4: The first word is a kind of clay used as a building material and the second word is a very hard, dark grey substance, usually in the form of a powder, that is used to smooth or shape things.
What is the Dordle 29 Answer Today? (February 22nd, 2022)
Here is how I solved the Dordle 29 puzzle today. I first started with word ‘AUDIO’ which helped in the first word as it showed A was placed in the right position and that there is a D and an O in the word, but not in the same position. Unfortunately no letters were in the second word, so I decided to stick with the first word and guessed ‘ADORE’. This was a great guess as all the letters were placed in the correct position apart from the R, but it was placed in the right spot in the second word and there is an E in the second word as well. The next guess I made was the answer to the first word of Dordle 29 which is…
Looking at the second word, I thought maybe there was a double R so I decided to guess ‘FERRY’. This showed me there was a Y at the end, but no double R and for some reason I guessed ‘PEERY’ even though I knee there wasn’t an E in the second place. This did however show me that there was another E, which meant the word had to start with it and the first word that came to mind was ‘EVERY’. This unfortunately wasn’t the answer, but I did manage to get it on the last guess which is..
Well done if you guessed them both correctly! We will be back tomorrow with the answer to the new Dordle puzzle so make sure you come back if you need any help!
Today’s ‘Dordle’ Words of the Day Answer #47: March 12th 2022